czwartek, 18 lipca 2013

Information everywhere - overload

In this short post, I would like to share some resources, ideas and personal thoughts how to be 'updated' with information and knowledge form security industry. First of all, I used to keep track of everything that might be useful - quickly requesting for subscription, bookmarking or even making some notes on stickers. It is obvious, that being 'on the same page' with everything and everyone is  impossible. Doing your job and learning are the most important - in free time, some articles,  webinars etc. - but without any pressure. Below, some of resources that I use to stay focused and informed. Those are chosen by me.

Hacker Journals Blogs
 Blog maintained by ec-council (one of leading education/certificating company) with multiple sub-subjects giving all information you need regarding cyber-threats, incident response, breaches and up-to-date content, and news.

SANS blogs
At this site, one can find many security related/categorized subjects -such as security awareness blog, forensics and audit penetration or cloud security. Very comprehensive and 'verified' content giving sorted and grouped source of knowledge/articles.

Site gives great amount of information and details regarding risk, threats and news coming from cyber-world. What is more, here you can find information about new technologies, test, vulnerabilities etc. Furthermore, it seems that information is adequately verified and only giving brief information - of course, all resources are given. Possibly, the quickest portion of news out there.

Another type of learning-method, these are 'virtual' lectures. Very often good source of new information, it gives opportunity to hear and get to know professional's opinions, discussions, products and current researches. On the other hand webinars usually  contain some commercial advertisements - which is the only minor drawback, and do not break the lecture structure or value. 

The last source of knowledge on this short list goes for e-magazines or those traditional ones. I suppose that the main purpose of magazines is to briefly present some issues, how-to's and reviews. This is rather place for practical stuff,  not theoretical.

Of course, such list cannot cover all available material. There are also many sites giving great source of information regarding open-source projects and frameworks. What is more, very often vendors maintain their own 'blog', it is always good choice to quickly review them. Stay focused, and have fun!

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