niedziela, 25 listopada 2012

HBE analysis - part 1

Just to remind you, during digital investigation we are supposed to gather two types of documentation. The first one - not-technical – is taken during initial response. The investigator is looking for any information that can be taken on/near the crime scene. He or she is checking IT infrastructure, personnel and circumstances.  As an example, imagine that you make a call to your support saying that your app is not working properly. As usually they call back you the next day, informing that they need logs, screenshots or any information presenting in what circumstances your application was, when you faced problems. And it is too late. So, yes, the purpose of not-technical information is to take any data presenting when the incident happened, what was the IT infrastructure status, what personnel was involved and so on. Believe me or not, sometimes this information is the clue. Moving forward. On the other hand we have technical stuff, which can be divided into NBE and HBE. I am pretty sure that the first one was well presented before – and I will be back to it in the future – but now, I would like to focus on the Host Based Evidence. So what does mean HBE?

This is simply a collection of information gathered in Live incident response process. I can say that also memory-imaging (disk imaging) is part of live response – sure – one of its subtypes. Host based evidence is set of : logs, documents, files, records, network connections, routing tables, list of processes, libraries and so on. This is all that can be obtained from machine and not from network nodes that are nearby.

There are several ways of HBE acquisition :
a) Live Response (involves several approaches and also data acquisition for post-mortem  analysis)
b) Forensic Duplication (Digital Archeology and Malware Investigation)

In this article I would like to write how the Live Response(apart from the circumstances such us intrusion detection process, malware, or simply troubleshooting) looks like. What is more, there are several tools(commercial) that can perform live response on remote machine without any knowledge from the investigator. Here I want to present what information should be obtained from the subject host, and what tool will be helpful. I would like also to remind, that there are myriad of software that can be used, and appropriate training should be taken by investigator. I strongly recommend reading several books for data acquisition, computer forensics or even file-system investigation. Please, refer to the short table of contents:

         Soundness (mention anti-forensics)
         Good practices
         OOV theory
         Data Acquisition
         Why Live?

Everything you do during investigation must be planned and follow clear methodology. You don’t want to launch panic mode,  and find yourself somewhere between broken documentation and destroying the subject system. On higher levels of maturity during incident response, investigator is supposed to adjust his thinking and tools to achieve as much as it is possible. By saying achieving, I mean obtaining ‘correct’ information and follow clues in the process of problem detection. After reviewing all collected data or during this process investigator will find him (or with CSIRT) in situation where appropriate response strategy should be taken. Also if it is possible, other information can be checked and collected. Please refer to previously posted article. From this short paragraph, it becomes more visible that we need to find the plan, formula that we should follow during  investigation. I would strongly recommend finding additional information about incident response process from process modeling view, and check what I have written previously.

When we talk about live system and data acquisition we need to know, that everything we do on the system is changing itself somehow.  It is very hard task – but possible – to check what alternation is made by investigator when executing commands or launching programs. In literature we can find “forensic  soundness” statement, and following “anti-forensic” actions. Please also check what does mean “evidence dynamics”. Very interesting subject. Saying that, we can fluently move to OOV theory. This abbreviation can be simply resolved into Order Of Volatility introduced by Farmer and Venema. What it shows, is the theory, that every information is stored in operating system in different layers or storages as on the screenshot below. It presents how long “each information” is alive – what is the live expectancy of the data. It must be taken into consideration when acquiring any information from any OS.

And, please… Never – I mean never – forget about documentation. Build your documentation carefully, take notes, screenshots, files .etc and you will quickly notice how beneficial it is.

In the very newest literature you can find, that by automatizating the process of volatile data acquisition we can save time, avoid misunderstandings, failures and the soft will do the job for us! During data acquisition process itself, several things must be pointed out. Think about, what access to the subject machine you have(is is local or remote? What privileges do you have, or even further what are the infrastructure restrictions – what protocol can be used?). Then, how to establish trusted connection, and what tools can you use? Is it possible to transfer your software?  Lastly, how to persevere volatile evidence, how to get them and  what next?  

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