What need to be remembered is that incident response appears when the
standard, or automatic security controls fail. We have tons of
network/security appliances in our companies, tons of false-positive alerts and
very often sophisticated malware or attack occurs and shows where do we have a security gap.
NBE is the information that is gathered (or can be
reactively) from network nodes such as routers, DNS servers, taps, hubs .etc. This
is all packages that can be catched by any network device supported with standard formats. This is all information that
can be found in network traffic. It allows confirming and determining whether
incident occurred or not. In another words this is the type of data that is
complementary to information obtained from live response – usually only this
data is available.
There are 4 types of NBE information that can be taken
from standard network traffic.
Full content data
Consists of packages payload ,the entire content can be read depending
on the use of
b) Session data
This in nothing else than the aggregation of packages. Odd traffic
can be easily
noticeable. We get information about protocol, source/destination IPs and ports. The best
way to check what happened after attack.
Alert Data
IDS is
programmed to recognize patterns of bits, specific sorts of malicious activity,
and other traffic that matches any signs of violations.
and other traffic that matches any signs of violations.
d) Statistical Data
What we get is simple summarize of traffic obtained in specific time
frame. There are values describing percent of protocols used, number of packages
transported and so on.
How to analyze network based evidence in post-mortem
approach ? I am listing and shortly describing tools that will help us
achieving this goal.
Tcpdstat is a simple and powerful
tool for creating summarize and statistics for traffic found in tcpdump (or
other sniffing tool supporting libpacp).
Output will give us the idea about -
how big and how long trace do we have, what protocols have been used, how many
packages transported and the sizes.
tcpdstat evidence.raw > output /statistical_output.txt
Documentation : http://www.sonycsl.co.jp/~kjc/papers/freenix2000/node14.html
Download : https://github.com/netik/tcpdstat
Alert Data
Alert data are taken from Intrusion Detection System. It
depends how are we obtaining NBE –
reactively or proactively – but here we gonna check how to use snort in batch mode.
snort -c /etc/snort/snort.conf -r /home/user/NBE/evidence.raw -b -l /var/log/snort/
Using this command we are telling
snort just to act as a standard IDS, but in this case as input we are using
previously acquired traffic dump. Also /etc/snort/snort.conf need to be set up
correctly and be filled with directory to Snort rules. As output we are getting
two files :
a) Alerts
b) Snort log file - presenting packages in which snort found suspicious patterns
Documentation : http://www.snort.org/
Session Data
Using tools
such as argus or tcptrace we can recreate sessions established from raw traffic
dump. The output will be simple and showing the time frame, protocol, source
port, IP with destination, and state of connection or reply and bytes
Recreating with Argus :
argus -d -r /home/user/NBE/evidence.raw -w evidence.argus
Next runnning argus client ra
to view session data in text format:
ra -a -c -n -r evidence.argus > captured_session.txt
tcpdump -n -r evidence.raw > evidence_full_session.txt
tcptrace -n -r evidence.raw > session_data.txt
Full Content Data
In this part, we are checking what details are hidden in the raw packages – after following clues found in previous layers of NBE. Firstly, we can easily use tshark to convert raw traffic evidence to more readable and human friendly format :
tshark -x -r evidence.raw > fullcontent.raw
The output will show us from which communication is every package (session data available), presenting data in hexadecimal and ascii format. Here we are looking for “known” patterns or supporting information for our previously found clues.
We can try to literally recreate full sessions from the raw file. Within session data, the only thing done with tcptrace was the list all session information. Here we gonna build the session one more time, and view all information transported between hosts.
To maximize usefulness of this evidence we can filter what we are looking for. Imagine, that you had found some suspicious behavior on port 5454 or 2323. To recreate session use:
tcpflow -r evidence.raw port 5454 or 2323
As the output you will be given with 4 files, or 4 session. Examining them will give you any information that was transported between hosts.
Documentation and download : http://www.circlemud.org/jelson/software/tcpflow/, http://www.wireshark.org/docs/man-pages/tshark.html
For other related tools please visit this page : http://www.tcpdump.org/related.html
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